90s Retro v1.4.10 http://organicthemes.com A WordPress theme designed in the style of an old Geocities site, because we thought it would be funny. Image Credits - logo.gif: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - retro-torch.gif: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - screenshot.png: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - Image in screenshot: Photo by Julian Fernandes. Downloaded from Unsplash, https://unsplash.com/license. Licensed under Creative Commons Zero. - background.png: Downloaded from Subtle Patters, http://subtlepatterns.com/small-steps/. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Audio Credits - come_and_find_me.mp3: Created by Eric Skiff, http://ericskiff.com/music/. Licensed under the Creative Commons license. Font Awesome - Font License: SIL OFL 1.1 http://scripts.sil.org/OFL - Code License: MIT License http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html Script Credits - navigation.js: Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - hoverIntent.js: Created by Brian Cherne. Licensed under the MIT license. - fitvids.js: Created by Chris Coyier. Released under the WTFPL license. - html5shiv.js: MIT/GPL2 Licensed. - superfish.js: Created by Joel Birch. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. INSTALL: 1. Upload the theme by navigating to Appearance > Themes > Install Themes within the WordPress admin. Select the theme zip file to upload. 2. Activate the theme after uploading. 3. Configure and save the theme options within Appearance > Customize. CHANGELOG v1.0.1: - Updated Font Awesome - Custom menu updates - Updated content width function - Updated screenshot - Removed unnecessary functions - Removed old IE conditionals - Changed theme name - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.1: - Changed Theme Name - Updated FontAwesome - Added escaping to i18n translations - Updated language files - Changed audio file CHANGELOG v1.2: - Removed animated gifs - Removed fake counter - Removed logo.psd - Updated theme URI - Fixed text domain issues - Regenerated translation files - Added more image credits - Added screen reader text class - Other misc fixes for WP.org CHANGELOG v1.2.1: - Added licensing to README.txt - Minor tweaks CHANGELOG v1.2.2: - Updated screen shot - Added licensing to README.txt CHANGELOG v1.3: - Stopped music from auto playing by default - Added animated GIFs to site title - Added typefaces file for Google Fonts - Updated mobile navigation script - Mobile menu fixes - Regenerated language files CHANGELOG v1.3.1: - Updated description - Updated screenshot CHANGELOG v1.3.2: - Fixed site title display on mobile - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.3.3: - Updated screenshot - Updated mobile menu - Updated site description to allow HTML - Added edit post link to post - Added new social icons to stylesheet CHANGELOG v1.3.4: - Updated superfish script - Updated mobile navigation - Updated pagination - Added admin notice - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.3.5: - Fixed typo CHANGELOG v1.4: - Cleaned up PHP - Updated screenshot.png - Theme Check fixes - Footer change plugin notice CHANGELOG v1.4.1: - Admin notice update CHANGELOG v1.4.2: - Fixed escaping issue with comments displaying HTML tags CHANGELOG v1.4.3: - Removed admin notice CHANGELOG v1.4.4: - Removed archives page template - Removed HTML5 shiv scripts - Added dismissible admin notice - General cleanup CHANGELOG v1.4.5: - Minor type update - Enable selective refresh for widgets - Added 'use strict' to jquery.custom.js - Added plugin activation recommendations CHANGELOG v1.4.5.1: - Fixed textdomain CHANGELOG v1.4.6: - Updated plugin activation scripts - Require Organic Customizer Widgets plugin - Recommend Customize Posts plugin CHANGELOG v1.4.7: - Updates to admin notice CHANGELOG v1.4.8: - Removed force activation - Removed recommended Customize Posts plugin CHANGELOG v1.4.9: - Updated OCW plugin name to Organic Builder Widgets - Added theme support submenu link CHANGELOG v1.4.9.1 - Fixed issue of custom admin submenu link overwriting other links CHANGELOG v1.4.10 - Updated recommended plugins