=== Block Lite === Version: 1.2.2 Contributors: organicthemes, itsdavidmorgan Tags: blog, portfolio, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-images, featured-image-header, flexible-header, full-width-template, translation-ready, sticky-post, threaded-comments, editor-style, theme-options, footer-widgets Requires at least: 4.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == The Block Lite theme features a modern and responsive design with a block style layout for blog posts. It's developed to work seamlessly with the Gutenberg editor and custom blocks. The theme options are located within the WordPress customizer for a simple setup process. == Installation == 1. Upload the theme by navigating to Appearance > Themes > Install Themes within the WordPress admin. Select the theme zip file to upload. 2. Activate the theme after uploading. 3. Configure and save the theme options within Appearance > Customize. == Copyright == Block Lite WordPress Theme, Copyright 2017 Invulu, Inc. Block Lite is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Credits == == Images == * Logo Image, Copyright David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com * License: GPLv2 * Source: images/logo.png * Logo Design File, Copyright David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com * License: GPLv2 * Source: images/logo.psd * Close Icon, Copyright David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com * License: GPLv2 * Source: images/close.svg * Menu Icon, Copyright David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com * License: GPLv2 * Source: images/menu.svg * Screenshot, Copyright David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com * License: GPLv2 * Source: images/screenshot.png * Header Image, Copyright Free-Photos, https://stocksnap.io/ * License: Creative Commons Zero, https://stocksnap.io/license * Source: StockSnap, https://stocksnap.io/photo/fog-mountain-ZKN6UKFKEO == Font Awesome == * Font License: SIL OFL 1.1 http://scripts.sil.org/OFL * Code License: MIT License http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html == Scripts == * jquery.fitvids.js, Released under the WTFPL license, http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/. * jquery.bgBrightness.js, Released under the WTFPL license, https://organicthemes.com == Changelog == == 1.2.2 == * Gutenberg updates * Better handling of plugin recommendation * Added new required tags to stylesheet * Fixed escaping in header and footer * Updated default header image == 1.2.1 == * Additional Gutenberg updates * Fixed comment title for posts with single comment == 1.2 == * Updating Gutenberg block styles * Adding styles for Jetpack blocks * Enqueued Font Awesome in block editor * Fixed background brightness script conflict == 1.1.6 == * Recommended new plugins * Added review notification * Style tweak == 1.1.5 == * Mobile style fix for banner images == 1.1.4 == * Conditional plugin recommendation * Gutenberg style updates == 1.1.3 == * Minor style updates for blocks == 1.1.2 == * Fixed issue with header video display * Style fix for Gutenberg gallery == 1.1.1 == * Minor Gutenberg style tweaks == 1.1 == * Fix for Windows Chrome view width bug * Added more Gutenberg styles * Added front-end style support in Gutenberg editor * Recommended Organic Profile Block plugin * Updated "posted_on" function * Updated default header image * Updated screenshot * General cleanup == 1.0.7 == * Style fixes for some Gutenberg blocks == 1.0.6 == * Updated screenshot == 1.0.5 == * General cleanup of files using PHPCS * Fixed undefined variable in loop-blog.php * Added absolute integer escaping to logo size outputs == 1.0.4 == * Updated TGMPA plugin activation files == 1.0.3 == * WP.org review fixes * Fixed menu if navigating 3 levels deep near edge of browser window * Added word break to paragraphs * Fixed PHP object issue in loop-post.php * Fixed incorrect prefix issues * Added indication of multiple menu levels in mobile navigation * Removed sidebar files and styles * Removed layout checkbox options * Added blog category option * Updated image credit formatting == 1.0.2 == * WP.org review fixes == 1.0.1 == * Removed accessibility tag * Fixed PHP error in loop-post.php * Fixed issue of mobile menu overlapping admin bar * Fixed layout issues on archive pages * Minor style tweaks == 1.0 == * Initial build