=== Natural Lite === Version: 1.6 Contributors: organicthemes, itsdavidmorgan Tags: one-column, two-columns, three-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, featured-image-header, flexible-header, full-width-template, theme-options, translation-ready, sticky-post, footer-widgets, blog, news Requires at least: 4.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == Natural Lite WordPress Theme is derived from Organic Natural WordPress Theme distributed by Organic Themes, Copyright 2016 Invulu, Inc. Organic Natural WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. Note: The site title and site logo are not displayed at the same time. If a logo is added, the site title is hidden from display in its place. == Installation == For more information, please refer to our Quick Start Guide, https://organicthemes.com/tutorial/quick-start-guide/ 1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes within the WordPress admin. 2. Click Add New at the top of the page. 3. Click Upload Theme at the top of the page. 4. Select your downloaded theme .zip file to upload. 5. Click the Install Now button. 6. Activate the theme. == Copyright == Natural Lite WordPress Theme, Copyright 2018 Invulu, Inc. Natural Lite is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Credits == == Images == - logo.png: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - logo.psd: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. - screenshot.png: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. == Font Awesome == - Font License: SIL OFL 1.1 http://scripts.sil.org/OFL - Code License: MIT License http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html == Scripts == - navigation.js, Licensed under the GPLv2 license. == Changelog == CHANGELOG v1.0.1: - Updated screenshot - Translation updates - Pagination fix for home page - Customizer option updates - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.0.2: - Updated background color - Added iframe style - Added form submit button style - Removed some unnecessary options - Updated option descriptions - Fixed header when no header image is active - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.0.3: - General PHP cleanup - Added JS to prevent submenus from displaying off screen - Updated footer credit - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.0.4: - Footer link cleanup CHANGELOG v1.0.5: - Fixed text domain in footer - Updated text domain function CHANGELOG v1.0.6: - Added core site logo function - Added theme prefix to featured images - Added theme copyright information to README.txt - Removed unused loop-portfolio.php - Removed prefixes from third party scripts - Removed HTML5 script - Removed depreciated tags - Disabled default favicon - General tweaks and cleanup CHANGELOG v1.0.7: - Made admin notification dismissible - Added note regarding the site logo CHANGELOG v1.0.7.1: - Fixed additional text domain CHANGELOG v1.0.8: - Footer plugin admin notice CHANGELOG v1.0.9: - Updated theme description CHANGELOG v1.0.10: - Admin notice update CHANGELOG v1.1: - Fix for featured home pages - Added new 2 page display for home featured pages - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.2: - Added starter content - Updated admin notice to be dismissible - Registered site title and description as partials - Updated logo and site title functionality - Converted title and logo alignment option to flexbox - Added customizer options to hide title and tagline separately - Removed unnecessary featured image from displaying on posts page - Editor style updates - Font enqueue updates - General cleanup - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.2.1: - Fixed wrong text domain - Regenerated language files CHANGELOG v1.2.2: - Fixed issues with header when no header image CHANGELOG v1.2.3: - Editor style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.3: - Considerable style updates - Increased theme width - Mobile style fixes - General updates CHANGELOG v1.3.1: - Updated screenshot - Updated theme description CHANGELOG v1.3.2: - Enable selective refresh for widgets - Added 'use strict' to jquery.custom.js - Added plugin activation recommendations - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.3.2.1: - Fixed textdomain CHANGELOG v1.3.3: - Updated plugin activation scripts - Require Organic Customizer Widgets plugin - Recommend Customize Posts plugin - Style tweak to drop down menu width CHANGELOG v1.3.4: - Updates to admin notice CHANGELOG v1.3.5: - Removed duplicate email subscribe field CHANGELOG v1.3.6: - Removed force activation - Updated theme description with demo link - Reorganized customizer files - Added logo resizer - Logo style updates CHANGELOG v1.3.7: - Added upgrade options CHANGELOG v1.3.8: - Updated OCW plugin name to Organic Builder Widgets - Added theme support submenu link - General cleanup CHANGELOG v1.3.9 - Fixed issue of custom admin submenu link overwriting other links CHANGELOG v1.4 - Added Gutenberg support - Added wide and full alignment block support - Added Gutenberg editor styles - Replaced home featured page sizing with CSS flexbox solution - Replaced superfish.js menu with pure CSS menu - Updated flexslider.js - Removed navigation.js - Removed hoverIntent.js - Mobile menu overhaul - Added content width function - General cleanup - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.4.1 - Fixed home post images - Fixed menu widget display issue - Mobile style fixes - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v1.4.2 - Minor style updates for blocks CHANGELOG v1.4.3 - Recommended additional plugins CHANGELOG v1.4.4 - Wrapped featured page buttons in span tags CHANGELOG v1.4.5 - Minor layout changes to home featured posts CHANGELOG v1.4.6 - Admin notification update CHANGELOG v1.4.7 - Fixed bug related to previous update CHANGELOG v1.4.8 - Updated Gutenberg editor styles - Removed starter content CHANGELOG v1.5 - Updated Gutenberg editor styles - Updated Gutenberg block styles - Enqueued Google fonts in block editor CHANGELOG v1.6: - Updated Gutenberg styles - Added new stylesheet tags - Added missing escaping where needed - Added dismissible admin notice for theme docs - Updated recommended plugins - Added wp_body_open tag to header - General cleanup