=== Organic Natural === Version: 4.11.5 Contributors: organicthemes, itsdavidmorgan Tags: blog, portfolio, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-images, featured-image-header, flexible-header, full-width-template, translation-ready, sticky-post, threaded-comments, editor-style, theme-options, footer-widgets Requires at least: 4.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == A versatile business theme and blog with a natural and earthy design. == Installation == 1. Upload the theme by navigating to Appearance > Themes > Install Themes within the WordPress admin. Select the theme zip file to upload. 2. Activate the theme after uploading. 3. Configure and save the theme options within Appearance > Customize. == Copyright == Organic Natural WordPress Theme, Copyright 2017 Invulu, Inc. Organic Natural is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Changelog == CHANGELOG v1.0.1: - Fixed bug that appeared when comments were disabled CHANGELOG v1.0.2: - Fixed bug in the slider that doubled posts when 5 posts were selected CHANGELOG v1.0.3: - Fixed IE bug in the slider where the last post title was displayed with an incorrect width - Fixed IE bug in slider regarding excerpt tool tip display width - Removed underline hover effect from menu items in IE CHANGELOG v1.1: - Changed theme name from "Organic Theme" to "Natural Theme" - Changed background image and colors of the Earth version CHANGELOG v1.2: - Added the "Summer" color variation of the theme CHANGELOG v1.2.1: - Fixed some spacing issues for slider button in IE - Made a minor change to the navbar CHANGELOG v2.0: - Extensive design and development changes - Options Framework integration - Featured video integration - Replacement of jFlow with Anything Slider - Added color change options - Made considerably easier to customize - Added numbered pagination - Much more CHANGELOG v2.0.1: - Added styling to the first and last menu items CHANGELOG v2.0.2: - Fixed pagination on category template - adjusted the header styles and increased logo height to 150 pixels CHANGELOG v2.1: - Added theme localization CHANGELOG v2.1.1: - Minor style adjustments to home page comment icon - Fixed a display issue for post titles in Google Chrome CHANGELOG v2.1.2: - Complete theme localization CHANGELOG v2.1.3: - Fixed slider issues in IE7 CHANGELOG v2.1.4: - Changed sidebar naming and identifier - Minor style updates CHANGELOG v2.1.5: - Minor style updates to Recent Comments widget CHANGELOG v2.1.6: - Minor style update to post edit link CHANGELOG v2.2: - Added table of contents to stylesheet - Changed Gravity Forms styling integration CHANGELOG v2.2.1: - Fix to comment bubble styling CHANGELOG v2.2.2: - Updated depreciated code "showposts" to "posts_per_page" CHANGELOG v2.2.3: - Removed extra "slider.php" file from the includes folder CHANGELOG v2.2.4: - Updated Facebook Like button CHANGELOG v3.0: - Complete redesign and rebuild - Added shortcodes - Added new page templates - New responsive framework - New retina optimized design CHANGELOG v3.0.1: - Updated screenshot - Equalized featured page content height - Added pagination to home posts CHANGELOG v3.0.2: - Fixed equal height bug CHANGELOG v3.0.3: - Minor custom header style tweaks CHANGELOG v3.0.4: - More custom header tweaks - Added option to hide site title CHANGELOG v3.0.5: - Added link to custom header image if no logo is displayed CHANGELOG v3.0.5.1: - Minor style update to toggle shortcode CHANGELOG v3.0.5.2: - Home blog pagination update CHANGELOG v3.0.5.3: - Another minor pagination tweak CHANGELOG v3.0.6: - Function added to fix occasional 404 pagination error on home page in custom queries CHANGELOG v3.1: - Updated shortcodes - Removed retina.js - Removed Audio to Player - Updated flexslider.js - Updated slideshow preloader - Replaced Organicons with Font Awesome - Removed equal height jQuery from featured pages - Removed IE8 styles CHANGELOG v4.0: - Moved theme options to customizer - Activated theme licensing - Updated shortcodes - Updated text domain - Updated screenshot - Replaced featured video with first video function - Added escaping - Added prefixes - Regenerated translations - Changes to file structure - Left sidebar template added - General cleanup - Style changes CHANGELOG v4.1: - Changed theme folder name - Updated text domains - Regenerated language files - General cleanup CHANGELOG v4.2: - Removed shortcodes - Added required plugins functions CHANGELOG v4.2.1: - Fixed header collapse when no background image uploaded - Fixed logo oversize on small Firefox windows CHANGELOG v4.2.2: - Fixed fitvids filename CHANGELOG v4.2.3: - Changed item name in theme updater to reflect new download name CHANGELOG v4.2.4: - Fix for featured home pages - Added new 2 page display for home featured pages - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.3: - Added starter content - Updated admin notice to be dismissible - Registered site title and description as partials - Updated logo and site title functionality - Converted title and logo alignment option to flexbox - Removed unnecessary featured image from displaying on posts page - Added customizer options to hide title and tagline separately - Added missing Font Awesome files - Regenerated language files - Editor style updates - Updated flexslider script - Font enqueue updates - General cleanup - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.3.1: - Fixed site title display option - Updated default header image CHANGELOG v4.3.2: - Added page excerpts - Tweaks to editor styles CHANGELOG v4.3.3: - Added contact information options - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.4: - Considerable style updates - Several general updates - Increased theme width - Mobile style fixes CHANGELOG v4.4.1 - Update WooCommerce lightbox functionality to work with WC 3.0+ CHANGELOG v4.5 - Fixed license activation bug - Recommended Organic Customizer Widgets plugin - Added selective refresh for widgets - Added Organic Widget styles - General cleanup CHANGELOG v4.5.1 - Added logo resizer in customizer CHANGELOG v4.6 - Significant updates to WooCommerce integration - Fixed typo in customizer options - Style updates to buttons and forms - General cleanup CHANGELOG v4.6.1 - Fix fatal error if WooCommerce was not active - Removed WooCommerce mobile styles CHANGELOG v4.7 - Replaced superfish.js menu with pure CSS menu - Updated flexslider.js - Removed navigation.js - Removed hoverIntent.js - Mobile menu overhaul - WooCommerce updates - General cleanup CHANGELOG v4.7.1 - Updated load sequence for mobile menu script CHANGELOG v4.7.2 - More mobile dropdown menu updates and fixes - Mobile style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.7.3 - Removed HTML escaping from update notification CHANGELOG v4.7.4 - Changed recommended plugin name to Organic Builder Widgets - Minor style tweak for slideshow excerpts CHANGELOG v4.7.5 - More JS tweaks to mobile menu - Fixed issue of menu widget not displaying mobile - Replaced equal height JS with CSS flexbox CHANGELOG v4.8 - Added Gutenberg support - Better handling of style options - Fixed issue of comment links displaying if comments disabled - Added One-Click Demo Import support - General cleanup - Style updates CHANGELOG v4.8.1 - Additional style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.8.2 - Updated Gutenberg optimization - Updated WooCommerce integration - Updated WordPress gallery style - General cleanup - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.8.3 - Comment function cleanup - Added license activation admin notice - WooCommerce tweaks - General cleanup CHANGELOG v4.8.4 - Mobile style fixes - Additional tweaks CHANGELOG v4.8.5 - Minor style updates for blocks CHANGELOG v4.8.6 - WooCommerce style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.8.7 - More WooCommerce style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.8.7.1 - Additional style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.8.8 - Fixed bug with TGMPA plugin activation script CHANGELOG v4.8.9 - Removed unnecessary featured image size - Added proper prefixing to featured images - Added Etsy and IMDB social icons CHANGELOG v4.8.10 - Minor cleanup for left sidebar and three column page templates CHANGELOG v4.8.11 - Updated jQuery for mobile menu CHANGELOG v4.9 - Tighter WooCommerce integration - Several WooCommerce style updates - Added option to display products in slideshow - Added options to display featured product categories on home template - Updated flexslider.js script - Removed recommended plugins - General cleanup - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.9.1 - Fixed category select issue with Customizer options - Added multiple category select control in Customizer options CHANGELOG v4.9.2 - Wrapped featured page buttons in span tags CHANGELOG v4.9.3 - Fixed z-index issue with slideshow controls - Updated Font Awesome files CHANGELOG v4.9.4 - Enabled double click for mobile menu parent links CHANGELOG v4.9.5 - Removed starter content CHANGELOG v4.9.6 - Updated Gutenberg block styles - Added WooCommerce block styles - Updated Gutenberg editor styles CHANGELOG v4.9.7 - Additional Gutenberg updates - General formatting fixes - Security updates CHANGELOG v4.10 - Added missing escaping where needed - Added dismissible admin notice for theme docs - Updated recommended plugins - Added wp_body_open tag to header - WooCommerce style fixes - Removed favicon header code - General cleanup CHANGELOG v4.10.1 - Image alignment fixes CHANGELOG v4.10.2 - Updated isotope.js script - Table style fix for WooCommerce products CHANGELOG v4.10.3 - Added backwards compatibility for wp_body_open tag CHANGELOG v4.11 - Updated Font Awesome to version 5 - Removed old font files - Added new social icons CHANGELOG v4.11.1 - Manually added Font Awesome 5 files to theme CHANGELOG v4.11.2 - Updated isotope.js script to enqueue minified version - Added conditional display option to home slideshow CHANGELOG v4.11.3 - Added Jetpack portfolio archive template - Fixed incorrect text domains for localization - Style tweaks CHANGELOG v4.11.4 - Added option to display page content on home page template CHANGELOG v4.11.5 - Font Awesome style updates