=== Organic Origin === Version: 2.9.7 Contributors: organicthemes, itsdavidmorgan Tags: blog, portfolio, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-images, featured-image-header, flexible-header, full-width-template, translation-ready, sticky-post, threaded-comments, editor-style, theme-options, footer-widgets Requires at least: 4.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == A minimally designed theme framework for WordPress. Created by Organic Themes. == Installation == For more information, please refer to our Quick Start Guide, https://organicthemes.com/tutorial/quick-start-guide/ 1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes within the WordPress admin. 2. Click Add New at the top of the page. 3. Click Upload Theme at the top of the page. 4. Select your downloaded theme .zip file to upload. 5. Click the Install Now button. 6. Activate the theme. == Copyright == Organic Origin WordPress Theme, Copyright 2019 Invulu, Inc. Organic Origin is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Credits == == Images == * logo.png: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. * logo.psd: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. * close.svg: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. License: GPLv2. * menu.png: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. License: GPLv2. * screenshot.png: Created by David Morgan, http://dav.idmorgan.com. Licensed under the GPLv2 license. * default-header.jpg: Source: Unsplash, https://unsplash.com. Licensed under Creative Commons Zero license, https://unsplash.com/license. == Font Awesome == * Font License: SIL OFL 1.1 http://scripts.sil.org/OFL * Code License: MIT License http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html == Scripts == * jquery.fitvids.js, Released under the WTFPL license, http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ * jquery.sidr.js, Released under the MIT license, https://github.com/artberri/sidr/blob/master/LICENSE * TGM-Plugin-Activation (plugin-activation.php, plugin-activation-class.php), Released under the GPL v2 license, http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php == Changelog == == 2.9.7 == * Added optional excerpt display beneath featured image page titles * Fixed theme update admin message * Minor style fixes == 2.9.6 == * Mobile menu updates * Updated theme updater scripts * Added new font options * Added new social media icons * Removed obsolete mobile menu dropdown option * Fixed WooCommerce category header * Updated doc admin notice to be forever dismissible * Style tweaks and general cleanup == == * Added style for adding button class to main menu items == 2.9.5 == * Gutenberg button style updates * Added local Font Awesome 5 files * Fixed conflict between Gutenberg and theme button colors == == * More demo import updates == 2.9.4 == * Font Awesome 5 updates * Demo content file updates * Style tweaks == 2.9.3 == * Updated Gutenberg editor styles * Added backwards compatibility for wp_body_open tag * Added WooCommerce block styles * Recommended Organic Profile Block plugin == 2.9.2 == * Updated Font Awesome enqueue prefix and version == 2.9.1 == * Updated Font Awesome * Fixed YouTube social icon * Gutenberg style updates * Added admin JS == 2.9 == * Restructured theme files * Added Font Awesome 5+ * Removed Font Awesome 4 * Updated admin notices * Added wp_body_open tag * Updated recommended plugins * Fixes for style options * WooCommerce style updates * Gutenberg style tweaks == 2.8.8 == * Added theme option to disable mobile menu dropdown functionality * Changed Customizer Theme Options Layout label to Miscellaneous * Moved mobile menu dropdown JS function into separate file == 2.8.7 == * Minor style tweaks == 2.8.6 == * Additional Gutenberg updates * Additional WooCommerce updates * Removed sidebar from WooCommerce cart and checkout == 2.8.5 == * Additional Gutenberg updates * Fixed comment title for posts with single comment * Condensed font options in separate file * General cleanup == 2.8.4 == * Several Gutenberg updates from WordPress.com review == 2.8.3 == * Gutenberg editor style updates * Gutenberg block style updates * Updated FitVids target in jquery.custom.js == 2.8.2 == * Mobile style fix for navigation == 2.8.1 == * Updated dismissible admin notice function * Added new Google fonts and pairing options * Added header width option * Fixed post nav translation issue * General cleanup * Style updates == 2.8 == * Updated dismissible admin notice class * Updates from CodeSniffer results * Fixed various translations * Removed unnecessary escape functions * Updated doc blocks for Customizer sanitization file * Fixed HTML validation for mobile menu button * Added screen reader class for portfolio nav links * Updated Gutenberg editor styles for various blocks * Updated all functions with exists() statements * Added mobile menu location * Added double click option for mobile submenus == 2.7.3 == * Added screen reader text for mobile menu toggle button == 2.7.2 == * Conditional sidebar class update * Adding missing pseudo class to social icon links * Added missing menuitem role for ARIA navigation links == 2.7.1 == * Block style updates * WooCommerce style tweaks * jQuery fix for mobile menu on window resize == 2.7 == * Increased content width * Updated demo import files * Removed audio file reference in demo import XML * Improved demo import process * Fixed footer text option * Added WooCommerce styles to block editor * Added WooCommerce block styles * Added bbPress forum sidebar * Improved bbPress integration * General cleanup == 2.6.9 == * WooCommerce block style updates * Updated image brightness detection JS * Changed enqueue name for brightness script * Additional brightness script fixes for WP 5.3 == 2.6.8 == * Fixed custom header conditional issue == 2.6.7 == * Allow basic HTML footer text option * Custom header style updates * Fixed admin notice class * Added search filter function * Style tweaks and general cleanup == 2.6.6 == * Added Soundcloud social media icon * Updated admin notice class name == 2.6.5 == * Added collapsible mobile submenus * Added new font pairing option * PHPCS code sniffer cleanup * Gutenberg editor style updates * WooCommerce updates * Demo import updates * General cleanup == 2.6.4 == * Added missing prefix for featured images == 2.6.3 == * Removed single category select Customizer control * Fixed custom header display on front page == 2.6.2 == * Fixed demo import notice dismissal issue == 2.6.1 == * Update to allow for shop page excerpt to be displayed in header == 2.6 == * Removed unnecessary functions and styles * Updated demo import onboarding files and functions * Added demo import admin notification * Added custom classes to footer credits * Updated WooCommerce styles * Updated Gutenberg styles * General cleanup * Style tweaks == 2.5.5 == * Used PHP Code Sniffer to cleanup file formatting * Added responsive video function for Gutenberg * Replaced style options with inline styles * Updated WooCommerce styles and setup functions * Updated Gutenberg styles == 2.5.4 == * Updated table styles * Updated Gutenberg editor styles * WooCommerce style updates * Updated output for style options * Updated demo import functions == 2.5.3 == * Added No Sidebar and Title page template for using blocks * Minor mobile style fixes * More WooCommerce style tweaks * Minor Customizer JS tweak == 2.5.2 == * Additional style tweaks == 2.5.1 == * Minor style tweaks == 2.5 == * Major WooCommerce integration updates * Gutenberg block style updates * Forced full Customizer refresh on custom header change * JS updates for custom header image background color * Author page style fixes and updates * Added author information at bottom of single posts * Updated flexslider.js script * Minor layout updates * General cleanup * Style tweaks == 2.4.5 == * Updated the block editor asset enqueue action * Updated posted_on function * Removed old irrelevant styles == == * Added Etsy social media icon * WooCommerce style updates == 2.4.4 == * Major style improvements to mobile menu * Removed unused featured image sizes * Infinite scroll updates for WooCommerce shop * Woocommerce style updates * Minor escaping updates * General cleanup and style tweaks == 2.4.3 == * Easier sanitization solution for font options * Updated posted_on function * Fixed Jetpack infinite scroll issue with WooCommerce shop page * Removed old default product and column function from WooCommerce setup * WooCommerce style updates * Fixed menu offset script == 2.4.2 == * Gutenberg style tweaks == 2.4.1 == * Added archive description to header on archive pages * Minor typo fix in customizer options == 2.4 == * Added Microformats 2 classes to post and body classes * Added new title and navigation font options * HTML structure updates * General cleanup == 2.3.9 == * Font options now change Gutenberg editor styles * Added new Google fonts * Added new font pairing options * Style tweaks == 2.3.8 == * Added HTML5 output for some WP elements * Updated traditional image gallery styles == 2.3.7 == * Gutenberg editor style tweak * Updated installation instructions == 2.3.6 == * Gutenberg style updates * Header widgets only display if OBW plugin is active * General cleanup == 2.3.5 == * Fix related to posted_on function update == 2.3.4 == * Updated Gutenberg editor styles to account for Gutenberg updates * More style tweaks == 2.3.3 == * Style tweaks == 2.3.2 == * Updated date in posted_on function to reflect WP settings == 2.3.1 == * Updated demo import content * Fixed license activation notification button link * Fixed undefined variable error in loop-blog.php * Recommended Jetpack plugin * Style tweaks == 2.3 == * Removed some unnecessary functions * Removed "Updated" post date function * Updated Font Awesome to 4.7.0 * Added style to break long words if needed * Changed OCW plugin name to Organic Builder Widgets * Updated Infinite Scroll support * Updates to syntax and formatting * Updates to Gutenberg styles * Support for Jetpack Portfolio and Testimonial CPT * Added Gutenberg editor styles * Added notice to activate license * Security updates * General cleanup == 2.2.4 == * Consolidated plugin files into separate directory * General cleanup == 2.2.3 == * New social icon background colors * General cleanup == 2.2.2 == * Customizer translation tweak * WooCommerce tweaks * Style tweaks == 2.2.1 == * WooCommerce tweaks * Style tweaks == 2.2 == * Updated Gutenberg block alignment support * General cleanup * Style tweaks == 2.1.9 == * Added WooCommerce support for product column option * Added default product gallery thumbnail image size * Style tweaks == 2.1.8 == * Accessibility tweaks * Mobile style tweak == 2.1.7 == * Updated demo content files * Menu style tweaks == 2.1.6 == * Fixed button color option priority * Updated default gallery styles == 2.1.5 == * Added default font weight to headings == 2.1.4 == * Remove block template function * Fixed conditional body class for sidebar == 2.1.3 == * Fixed customizer sanitization error == 2.1.2 == * Fixed style issue with mobile nav button background color * Fixed color option for mobile nav links * Added basic bbPress styles == 2.1.1 == * Fixed Quicksand and Roboto font pairing option * Added new font pairing option == 2.1 == * Additional WooCommerce updates * Added header widget area * Updated background brightness script * General cleanup * Style tweaks == 2.0.9 == * Additional WooCommerce updates * Style tweaks == 2.0.8 == * Added multiple category select option to blog * Minor update to site title display * Fixed infinite scroll for Jetpack * Additional WooCommerce updates and integration * Style tweaks == 2.0.7 == * Removed Masonry * Better handling of conditional color styles * Added flexbox styles to footer widgets * Mobile menu style updates * Additional WooCommerce updates * Style tweaks == 2.0.6 == * Additional WooCommerce cleanup * Began integration of block template function * Accessibility updates for navigation menu * Added font selection options for menu * Style tweaks == 2.0.5 == * Fixed bug that resulted in content disappearing == 2.0.4 == * Added accessibility markup, roles and more for ADA compliance * Updated sanitization for text fields in customizer * Updates to WooCommerce styles and functions * Properly escaped get_theme_mod * General cleanup * Style tweaks == 2.0.3 == * Mobile style tweaks == 2.0.2 == * WooCommerce sidebar fixes * WooCommerce style updates * General style tweaks == 2.0.1 == * Fixed Helvetica font pairing option * Conditional style for active sidebar * Stylesheet version update * Social media menu updates * Minor style tweaks == 2.0 == * Added new font options * Added site title font weight option * Added logo resizer in customizer * Added wide alignment function for Gutenberg blocks * Removed Jetpack CPT for portfolio and testimonials * Removed page templates for portfolio and testimonials * Much better integration of WooCommerce * Simplified HTML structure * Touch screen update for mobile menu * Removed blog sidebar * Removed starter content == 1.4.3 == * Better cross browser handling of logo image size == 1.4.2 == * Updated sanitization for category select options * Added basic Gutenberg block styles * Added read more tag function in favor of JS * Style tweaks * General cleanup == 1.4.1 == * Fixed background color bug within customizer * Added body class for no social media menu * Minor mobile style fixes == 1.4 == * Fixed license activation bug * Style tweaks == 1.3.8 == * Switch to using Google's font files == 1.3.7 == * Remove extra font files == 1.3.6 == * Add font selector to customizer == 1.3.5 == * Updated plugin activation class * Consolidated background brightness scripts * Fixed license activation button text * Deleted superfish.js file * Style updates == 1.3.4 == * Added new Sidr menu for mobile menu * Replaced superfish menu with pure CSS menu * Added selective refresh function for customizer widgets * General cleanup * Style tweaks == 1.3.3 == * Remove default var assignment for lightordark.js for IE11 == 1.3.2 == * Removed escaping from get_search_query() * Replaced get_template_part() for search form with get_search_form() * Replaced header_text option with custom option * Replaced style-options.php in favor of wp_head hook in functions == 1.3.1 == * Replaced get_template_part() with get_template_directory() in customizer * Updated script handle for flexslider * Updated excerpt more function * Updated readme credits * Removed excerpt length function * Added subject tags == 1.3 == * Implemented custom header videos * Consolidated featured image banner code * Added more control over site title and tagline display * Added light or dark script for images * Added Woocommerce gallery styles * Added page excerpt function * Removed header color option * Regenerated language files * Security updates * General cleanup * Style updates == 1.2.2 == * Fixed translatable string in functions * Minor layout and style tweaks * Minor mobile style tweaks == 1.2.1 == * Fixed issues with mobile navigation == 1.2 == * Updated comments title function * Removed global value for comments in functions.php * Removed pingback from header.php * Added esc_html to blog description in header.php * Removed RSS feed and logout links from footer.php * Added esc_html to blog name in footer.php * Removed wp_reset_postdata() from loop-blog and loop-archive * Added esc_url_raw() to fonts_url variable in typefaces.php * Removed typeface enqueue for custom header * Removed duplicate editor style enqueue from functions * Added jquery prefixes in functions * Replaced custom color sanitization with core sanitize_hex_color() function * Removed custom title_tagline section from customizer * Removed fixed menu option * General cleanup * Security updates * Style tweaks == 1.1 == * Implemented starter content * Reworked logo and site title display * Removed admin notice * Style tweaks == 1.0.9 == * Updated form styling * Replaced header absolute positioning with flexbox * Conditional style tweaks == 1.0.8 == * Updated README * Theme Check updates == 1.0.7 == * Changed item name in theme updater to reflect new download name == 1.0.6 == * Mobile menu style fix for menus with different names == 1.0.5 == * Fix license activation button text == 1.0.4 == * Menu disappearing fix * Made functions pluggable == 1.0.3 == * Style tweaks == 1.0.2 == * More Tweaks to HTML structure * Style tweaks == 1.0.1 == * Heading tweaks for SEO * Tweaks to HTML structure * Minor validation tweaks == 1.0 == * Initial build